Happy New Year Greenhorn Valley

What perfect timing - a new year and time to declutter to find "stuff" to make a junk journal (our next arts/crafts workshop at the VFC on Friday, Feb 7th). We have an extended time period for this workshop, so our creations have a moment to dry, and we have a moment for our creative juices to flow.

One may ask "What is a Junk Journal?" Please send your email address through a PM and we will send several documents/you tube videos including a definition and a "potential" supply list.  If you have all those scrapbooking supplies, just sitting there gathering dust, now is a good time to pull the stuff out.

A Junk Journal can be made with many different foundations - an old book, an old textbook, a three-ring binder, a composition notebook, a paper bag, junk mail envelopes, scrapbooking paper, file folders, cereal boxes, clipboards, etc.  The possibilities are endless.

We have gathered a multitude of foundations and a multitude of "junk" to share.  We will bring some paints, doodads, scrapbooking tools/die cuts, picture books and magazines, maps, along with materials listed above.

If you have a specific theme in mind, please bring the materials to carry out the theme (scrapbook paper, stickers, etc.).

Also please bring your glue and double-sided crafting tape.

This workshop will have a few of us assisting if you have questions about the tools and jj., etc. We hope to have guest presenter, Dorothy Kielty of Racoon Alley.  She has her own you tube channel, teaches a JJ class at Who Gives a Scrap, and has some of her creations at a boutique in Old Colorado City.

We have Feb 21st/Feb 28th as potential snow dates should a Polar Vortex/Four Corners Low comes this way on Feb 7th